When it comes to crazy burger combinations, you may think you've seen it all. From crab dip and nachos to a sunny-side-up egg and mac & cheese, chefs will do anything to out-do your favorite slice of beef. Jeremy Bialker, Executive Chef and General Manager at Two Rivers Brewing Company in Easton, takes this burger madness to a whole other level with the Peanut Butter Bacon Cheeseburger.
Chew this down with a swish of Bankers Brown Ale (4.5%), one of Two Rivers' five flagship beers.
The sweet and savory work of art starts with a brioche bun, is layered in creamy peanut butter and ground peanut brittle dust, topped with a half-pound of organic Breakaway Farms' grass-fed beef, cheddar cheese, organic smoked bacon and pickled red onion. The whole dish is then smothered with chili gastrique: a mixture of red pepper, chipotles, citrus juice and sugar.
542 Northampton St., Easton | 610.829.1131 | tworiversbrewing.com