It all started when owner Nicole Raskovic's father moved from Easton to Wisconsin to buy a diary farm, which he named Keystone Farms. “We were talking one day about the differences between Wisconsin cheeses and other cheeses and decided to try bringing some of the flavors back to the Northeast,” says Raskovic, noting that Wisconsin is the only state in the nation that requires several years of training before one can receive the certification of Master Cheesemaker. “This schooling process guarantees a high standard of quality and flavor not found in cheeses from other areas.” And though a Master Cheesemaker in Wisconsin makes the actual cheese, Raskovic says that her Bethlehem team handles every other part of the business—the marketing, communications, scheduling, wholesaling, new client tastings and festival staffing. “These tasks keep us pretty busy all in all, but what we really enjoy is bouncing ideas off our Cheesemaker and developing new flavors.”
Keystone Farms Cheese offers 60 varieties of cheese, featuring all-natural, non-GMO ingredients, using cows that are not treated with growth hormones. The cheese is available for purchase online, as well as at a variety of Valley festivals and events, which can be found on their Facebook page.
484.353.6881 | keystonefarmscheese.com | facebook.com