By: Lehigh Valley Style May 2014, Gallery, Events, Style Scene, feed - style scene, Lehigh Valley Style
: Linda Lapos and Paul Wirth
: Paul and Patty Huck
: John and Anne Morahan
: Rev. Monsignor James Treston, Bishop John Barres, Very Rev. Daniel Gambet and Pamela Russo
: Robert O'Hara, Very Rev. Daniel Gambet and Jay Leeson
: Sarah and Mike Wascura, and Ron and Mary Rogozinski
: Shirley and Joe Hixson
: Tom Hare, Mary Ellen Herzog, Cathy Coyne and Lise Twiford
: Lynn and Mike Albarell
: Michael Mullin
: Bill and Rose Marie Sharle
: Ray and Teri Bishop
: Javier Cevallos, Chuck Stinner and Tim Fallon
photos by john simitz