Greetings Lehigh Valley Style readers! My name is Rachel Fernandez and I am officially the new spring editorial intern at Style. Well—not so new anymore! I've been here for a little over two months now and I have been so busy writing and living it up as an intern, that I haven't been able to sit down and formally introduce myself or gush about the amazing experiences I've had at the magazine so far. Here it goes!
I am currently a senior at Kutztown University and I am majoring in English and Professional Writing. I will be graduating this spring, and it seems like it was only yesterday that I was a freshman in high school, scribbling stories in my notebook hoping someday I would become a writer. Now, at 21, I am beyond thrilled to be working toward my dream by contributing to a successful publication and writing for the Valley's leading lifestyle magazine. I am also pleased to be learning from and working closely with the Style team. They are an enthusiastic, close-knit group of lovely ladies who are passionate about what they do and genuinely love their jobs—which is infectious and without a doubt inspiring to witness as an intern. If I could somehow teleport back in time and tell my younger self this would be happening to me one day, I wouldn't believe it one bit. I'm extremely happy to be here and to be a part of the team.
Even though I'm from a small suburban town outside of Philadelphia, since attending Kutztown and interning full-time at Style, I consider the Valley my official home away from home. As an intern, I have been whipping myself into shape by doing extensive research and getting to know the local area and all that it has to offer. Between putting together the magazine's monthly calendar and covering stories for the Life in the Valley and Volunteer Spotlight pieces, I've managed to transform myself from knowing practically nothing about the locale, to a Lehigh Valley connoisseur in less than two and a half months! Okay, so maybe I'm not quite an expert yet—but I'm sure I'll be close once my days of being an intern are over. Fortunately, I have over a month left here and I still have a long list of exciting things to update you on, but it'll have to wait for next time. I can't wait to give you the skinny on what I've been up to! Stay tuned Style readers.