Best of 2025
Vote for your favorite local businesses in our
annual Best of the Lehigh Valley Survey
The Best of the Lehigh Valley program is an online survey that polls Style readers on their favorite businesses in over 100 categories, including Food & Drink, Health & Self, Shopping & Services, Fun & Games, and Events. This year's winners will be revealed in the July edition of Lehigh Valley Style and celebrated at our Best of the Lehigh Valley Party.
Interested in learning more about how the Best of the Lehigh Valley voting works?
Check out the FAQ.
Are you a local business looking to promote yourself as one of the best in the Valley?
Download our promotional toolkit.
Voting runs from January 8 through February 5.
Disclaimer: Only one survey per IP address will be counted. Additional surveys submitted from the same IP address will be disqualified. In order for your survey to count, you will need to vote in a minimum of 10 total categories across the survey.