Greetings lovely readers of LVS! It has been an indescribable pleasure to start my interning experience at such a highly...
As an avid reader of everything from books to magazines to blogs, I find it's easy not to even realize...
After my first week interning here at LVS, things have slowed down a little. I came in my first day...
Hello readers, and welcome to a peek into the life of an intern. Like many interns before me on their...
Hi! I'm Elizabeth Archer, one of the fall 2012 editorial interns! As a recent college grad, I'm still trying to...
By: Video, Fashion, Fashion: Behind the Scenes
Oddly, I feel compelled to start out with, “Hello world!” This is my first blog—ever.
There is an average of 180 days in the school year! Are your kids wardrobe-ready? Don't stress. Our local retailers...
Denim is experiencing a sort of creative revival this year, making this all-American wardrobe staple an even more versatile fabric.
I know, I know, it's been awhile, but I haven't been ignoring blogging out of laziness—I swear! Here at LVS...