By: Lehigh Valley Style September 2016, feed - style scene, Lehigh Valley Style, Gallery, Events, Style Scene
Benefit: Laughing at My Nightmare Location: Sands Bethlehem Event Center

: Jeff Trainer

: Stephanie Wells

: Angie and Brad Fisher

: Mike Wagner and Jennifer Stone

: Monica Yurconic-Groff

: Anthony and Jessica Schwickrath

: Brian Ford and Brian Goldberg

: Cassandra Tripaldi and Kevin Ryan

: Catrian Schutzer and Chelsea Cornelius

: Chad and Rebecca Gillespie, and Jacob Schneck

: Chris Iacocca, Jan Wills and Gary Iacocca

: Cindie and Kevin Feldman

: Crystal and George Wacker

: Dawn and Josh Wagner

: Dallas and Sandra Yeakel

: Danielle Bushnell and Chrissy Remaly

: Darya Stevens and Sara Moore

: Dean Gumhold

: Denise and Scott Gingold

: Eve Russo

: Jim and Kathy Drake

: Jeffrey Hayes and Laurin Fegley

: Jenna Cardamuro and Danny Lestarge

: Jessica Tino and Carissa Santos

: Joe and Elena Pascal

: John Harper, Ryan Faria, Jenny Housh and Mario Carannante

: Karen and Rich Ryan

: Karen Ford and Dante Longhi

: Kevin Youwakim and Kevin Ramaley

: Kirk and Courtney Wagner

: Laurin Fegley

: Linda Nittle and Linora Gula

: Lindsay Schaffer and Melanie Kulp

: Lori Maio and Dan McGinty

: Jackie and Bob Bolig

: Steve and Angela Faidley

: Tina Haney and Heather Hershey

: Troy and Tracey Binder

: Vivek and Shakila Angadi

: Ward Van Haute and Kate Hughes

: Whitney and Chris Carullo

: Zeke and Elaine Zelker

: Marissa Lewicki and Cheryl Gallagher

: Matt Roth

: Mike McShane and Brittany Pierzga

: Nadya and Victor Salicetti

: Nanci and Drew Gerhard

: Rich and Diane Fegley

: Ryan Burns and Jennifer Burns

: Sam Malone and Becca Lynn

: Siew Shiraishi and Jenny Lim

: Stephanie Wells, Sam Malone and Becca Lynn

: Jamie Hamod and Neil Heimsoth

: Jamie Thomas and Jayson Morgan

: Kayla Kravitz and Shelby Stalbird

: Lorena Bravo and Melissa Bowman

: Allie Grantz, Jon Capobianco and Jaime Zyskowski

: Angie and Stephen Fenstermaker

: Christie Jacobsen and Mark Csencsits
Photos by Vlad Image Studio