After sitting inside at desks all year during school, children cannot wait to run free outside during the summer months. Grass-stained clothes and chalk-stained hands become daily appearances in homes with kids. But with the newfound freedom during the summer also comes hazards found in places as common as your own backyard. Here are five potential dangers and solutions to keep kids safe and comfortable during the long summer days.

Playground Injuries
Each year, more than 200,000 children go to emergency rooms for playground-related injuries. While close parental supervision is the first and most preferred option of protection, there are other aspects to keep in mind. Covering areas under and around the equipment with shock-absorbing material, such as sand, rubber or mulch, will be more forgiving if a child happens to fall.

Arsenic, found in pressure-treated wood, poses an increased risk of cancer to kids who play and eat on these surfaces. Commonly found in play sets, decks and picnic tables across the country, sealing the wood once a year or using a tablecloth to cover a table are easy solutions to a health-threatening situation.

It only takes inches of water for someone to drown, and with pool parties hitting their peak in the summer months, potential drowning becomes a scary reality. Close supervision remains one of the best methods of hazard prevention, but keeping rescue equipment by the pool is always a good idea.

Bug Bites
No one wants nagging and itchy bug bites to pester them on their vacation days, so it is advisable to take preventative measures with a bug spray. If you happen to forget the spray one day and find yourself covered in those annoying red bumps, apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce itching.

While having fun in the sun is the goal this summer, it shouldn't result in a nasty sunburn. The American Melanoma Foundation recommends an SPF of at least 15, but also states that a higher SPF, like 30, would be better for those who burn easily, especially children. Should you suffer a burn, try a cold compress, aspirin and aloe to soothe it.