Executive Director and CEO Lin Erickson says the Da Vinci Science Center's journey to Downtown Allentown began in September 2015, when the board adopted a strategic plan calling for a bold expansion. “That led to numerous meetings and focus groups to gather input from the community, market research studies and ultimately the development of a master plan for a major new science center for the Lehigh Valley,” she says. “We had a false start in Easton, but regrouped to affirm our commitment to expansion and moved forward with the City of Allentown to develop a site downtown.” Erickson says the team is thrilled to be joining Allentown's rich cultural attractions in the heart of the city and notes that it is fitting for them to be part of the modern-day Renaissance taking place. “More and more people are discovering, or rediscovering, all that Downtown Allentown has to offer,” she says. The fact that the center is within walking distance for thousands of Allentown School District students is another perk. Highlights of the new facility include the Lehigh River Watershed exhibit, the LVHN My Body exhibit, the Science in the Making exhibit and Curiosity Hall's grand courtyard. Plus, the 8,000-square-foot City Center gallery will welcome traveling exhibits that are typically only available in major metropolitan centers. “I am humbled to be part of an organization recognized as a trusted educational resource and community partner and most of all for the science center to be recognized as the place where families go to have the most fun with science,” says Erickson.
815 W. Hamilton St., Allentown | 484.664.1002 | davincisciencecenter.org
Published as “Trending Now” in the June 2024 edition of Lehigh Valley Style magazine.