Considered one of the greatest technological advancements, Johannes Gutenberg's printing press was the beginning of the rapid spread of information to society long before the Internet. The National Museum of Industrial History's (NMIH) exhibit Hot Off the Press: Printmaking and Papermaking provides a hands-on and in-depth look at how printing presses, paper and ink sparked the newspaper and printing industry. Open now through October 31, the exhibit features rare prints, including the first German-translated Bible and the book Ephrata Martyrs' Mirror, the largest book printed in Colonial America. Linotype machines, seen in the Academy Award-nominated film The Post, are on display, as well as artifacts from the now-demolished Bethlehem Steel Printery. Visitors can also operate the running presses and print keepsakes to take home with them.
National Museum of Industrial History | 602 E. 2nd St., Bethlehem | 610.694.6644 | nmih.org