As the owner of a construction business and the mother to two young children, Allentown's Jennifer Breidinger juggles two full-time jobs. She's in line for some well-deserved pampering. Cue Anne Giglio, owner of Silver Shears Salon, whose new acquisition, Anthony Ashley Hair Design, offers an all-organic approach. With the added makeup expertise of Bri Santiago, she gave Breidinger a fresh fall look that's both pretty and practical.

Jennifer Breidinger
Mother & Business Owner, Allentown
How has your relationship with your hair been over the years?
My hair is one of my favorite things about myself. Prior to meeting Anne (over ten years ago), my relationship with my hair was less healthy, with a lot of at-home attempts to turn my dark hair blonde. Since I've been going to Anne, she works with me to keep my hair long, blonde and healthy, which is a very delicate balance! Hair is so important because it's one of the constant features and has such a large impact on your appearance.
What do you think about your new look?
As a mother of two young children, braiding my hair is optimal to keeping it stylish—while also keeping my long hair out of little fingers and out of a bun!
The makeup makeover by Bri was fabulous. My favorite part was the intensity and drama that she was able to give my look with the eye makeup and lashes, while still keeping the rest of my face and overall look very natural and attainable.
How do you usually style your hair?
I usually wash my hair and then generally air-dry it. Depending on my plans for the day, I'll leave it down or put it up in a low ponytail. Braiding my hair will give me a whole new trendy look without adding too much time into my normal routine!
What do you do on an average day?
On a normal day, I wake up with my children (five months and two years old) and get them fed and ready for the day. I try to squeeze in a workout and then go to work at the office. When I'm finished working for the day, I head home and spend time playing with and enjoying my kids, cooking dinner with my husband and then enjoying some down time after both the kids are in bed.
Which celebrity has a style you really admire?
Kate Hudson. I feel like she has a very real and trendy look that is timeless at the same time. And, of course, that blonde hair!
What's a product your hair couldn't live without?
Kevin Murphy Blonde Angel Wash and Blonde Angel Color Enhancing Treatment. The purple shampoo and treatment keeps my light blonde highlights icy and enhances my look without requiring more time than it takes to wash/condition my hair.
What are your favorite things about fall?
I love pumpkin coffee, boots and cozy sweaters. The changing seasons are one of my favorite things about living in the Lehigh Valley.

Anne Giglio
Stylist & Owner, Anthony Ashley Hair Design
What do you like most about your job?
I love the creativity! I love the ability to transform someone and, in turn, help them gain confidence and a stronger sense of self.
Is working with long hair a challenge or a treat?
I love long hair. The options are endless and the ability to create different looks is part of the art of hairdressing that I have always loved.
What did you already love about Jennifer's look?
Jennifer's emphasis is her long, sleek, blonde color. I love that we keep a shadow root to contrast the icy blonde strands.
Advice for women who are trying to grow their hair super long?
Patience, patience, patience! Hair grows an average of six inches a year, so you have to look at growing out your hair as a commitment. Take great care of those locks if you want them to grow long and remain healthy.
What kind of vibe does this braid convey?
This braid is casual chic. As a young mother, Jennifer doesn't always have time to tend to her hair but wants to maintain her sense of style.
How can a person get good at braiding her own hair?
Look at YouTube tutorials and practice on yourself without looking in the mirror until you master the weaving technique!
Other favorite fall trends in hair or fashion?
I've been seeing velvet making its mark this fall. Fashion Week had a lot of variation on this great fabric with an emphasis on jewel tones. I think this will be an exciting trend to explore in your wardrobe! I also love that silver is going to be a trend color! This is not a color often associated with fall.
Anthony Ashley Hair Design | 1740 W. Allen St., Allentown | 610.434.0180 | anthonyashleyhd.com