Early jazz has never really dropped out of the cultural consciousness, but since the Swing Revival in the ‘90s and the trend toward all things old-timey, it seems more and more folks of all ages are loving the energy and authenticity of bands like The Barrel House Brothers.
Bookstore Speakeasy regulars, the Brothers consist of Gary Lader on piano and accordion, Robert Peruzzi on trombone and Marvin Falcon on guitar, banjo and ukulele. Lader, who met
career musician Falcon some five or six years ago, says Falcon is the core of the band, a walking musical encyclopedia who has spent decades in the business playing behind names like the Paul Winter Jazz Sextet, Miriam Makeba and Harry Belafonte. Hearing Peruzzi play on WDIY, Lader tracked down his fellow Bethlehem resident and they've been working together ever since.
Together, this ensemble—with occasional guest artists—is adept at recreating jaunty, lighthearted vintage jazz as it would have been danced to in the ‘20s and ‘30s, inspired by legends like Hoagy Carmichael, Django Reinhardt and Louis Armstrong. “Here's the pecking order,” Lader says.
“Marvin knows almost every song ever written, Bob knows close to that and I know a little less.”
Lader points out that after the early gypsy/swing/ragtime era, jazz started to take itself a
lot more seriously. “In the early years, it was fun, danceable music, America's pop music,” he says. And playing stride piano, a ‘20s innovation he calls “ragtime on steroids,” he's practically dancing on the instrument. The name Barrel House suggests not only this wild, gymnastic style of jazz but also the “juke joints” where you'd find it. Nowadays, residents can catch the infectious fun of The Barrel House Brothers at major local festivals, bars and restaurants and private events. Keep an eye on their Facebook for future gigs!