Owner-aesthetician Samara Wehbeh wanted to bring a unique vibe to the Valley that was not offered anywhere else. “I had a vision in mind that I was passionate about making into a reality,” she says. “I've made a lot of personal connections with people over the years and the one common aspect is all of the everyday insecurities we deal with as human beings. When I thought about that some more, I knew I needed a career path that went hand in hand with helping people feel more comfortable about how they felt about themselves.” Wehbeh strives to create a customized skincare experience for every client. Muse Modern Med Spa offers laser hair removal as well as a variety of laser treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, Botox, teeth whitening and more.
352 5th St., Whitehall | 610.504.3077 | facebook.com/musemodernmedspa