Paul Harryn's life-long passion for art continues to engender pieces that reveal visionary vistas for the viewer. An uncanny accretion of materials and his impeccable sense of editing combine to create singular worlds of wonder. After three fertile decades on the international art stage, his abilities continue to surprise and energize the public.
Smartly, Harryn splits his time between his Lehigh Valley and Los Angeles studios. In his masterful hands, the dissimilar climates, cultures and light of these environments generate a spectrum of creations that would be impossible to achieve without this bi-coastal immersion.
His omnivorous intellect fuels pieces that inhabit an invigorating paradigm where new light shines on the penumbra of traditional abstraction and representational art. Harryn shared, “I'm inspired and influenced by everything—the good, bad, ugly and beautiful—and I respond to these things in accordance with my aesthetic. That's the result of refined sensibility. Through the filters of my aesthetic I contextualize the conditions of our reality into pertinent works that provide a deeper awareness and food for the soul.”
Paradoxically, Harryn's soul food is both simple and complex, accommodating our somatic pursuit of pleasure while rewarding the sustained investigations of insatiable eyes. Like a prolonged encounter with a landscape or ocean, the mind may tire long before the revelations cease.
His creations are cryptic and warm, enchanting and at times ineffably other. Moreover, they invoke numinous realms that propel us along multiple paths of inquiry. Science, art, philosophy and arcana mingle as latent meanings manifest. Both hemispheres of the brain light up as new paths are forged. Elastic perceptions widen and welcome the new.
Harryn's inexhaustible creativity continues to fill his schedule with exciting exhibits and events. On September 24, a major new work will be unveiled in the lobby of the Renaissance Hotel
in Allentown. The public is invited to attend and meet Harryn from 5:30-7:30 p.m. He is also participating in the “Shifting Paradigms: The New Arts Program and Kutztown University” at The Marlin and Regina Miller Gallery at Kutztown University, from September 12 to October 11.
The opening reception will be held Saturday, September 12, 3-5 p.m., at the Marlin and Regina Miller Gallery in the Sharadin Art Building. A benefit concert by Philip Glass and Jon Gibson is scheduled for Saturday, September 12, 7:30-9 p.m. at Schaeffer Auditorium.