November 3–December 1
Local artists Benjamin Long and Berrisford Booth's aptly titled exhibit, Return, displays the pair's artistic homecoming. Visitors will see paintings that juxtapose both artists' individual styles as well as their differing executions. Long draws inspiration from rare vintage objects and he collages old photographs together for unique creations. His process begins with sketching and then painting his meticulous, sometimes playfully disturbing, compositions. In comparison, Booth paints original, abstract pieces. He takes a formalist perception in which he works only with circles and utilizes layers of surface alchemy that either contains, defines or constructs his creative applications with elements of what he calls “recreational geometry.”
The longtime friends have experienced similar highs and lows in their careers. While they had massive success in the early years of their profession, they both, for reasons independent of each other, had to take a break due to extenuating circumstances. Recently, they've reached a point where they feel they can resume their passions. The mutual love they have for one another's work, and the desire to continue exploring art, have led them to create their joint exhibit.
Brick and Mortar Gallery | 1247 Simon Blvd. Suite N101, Easton | 908.319.2914 | brickandmortargallery.com