Ruby Dear is loud and melodic, bursting with powerful vocals and compelling arrangement. It's almost as if a fully formed rock band with an awesome original album just popped up like a mushroom in the grass, but its members have been honing their jams for years.
Lead singer Jenny Founds discovered bandmates Jon and Jesse Braun while singing for renowned Talking Heads cover band Start Making Sense. The Braun brothers' musical resume includes touring internationally with surf-rock band Great White Caps and a decade with Start Making Sense. All three still focus the bulk of their attention on SMS concerts all over the country. This has allowed their side project Ruby Dear to play in Buffalo, Denver, St. Louis and the House of Blues in Chicago. Not bad for a band that's been around about a year and a half.
Founds is prolific in whipping up unique music for Ruby Dear. “Our first year we had two hours of original material,” she says. “I write it acoustic and then bring it to the boys to adapt to rock setting.” It's no wonder they've already released an eponymous album rich with rock that's exploratory, sweeping and somehow nostalgic.
Compared with the '90s sound of Jeff Buckley, classic rock and even David Bowie, Ruby Dear combines the interests of its members into something as fresh as it is familiar.
The band's name free-associates Founds' favorite jazz song (“Ruby My Dear” by Thelonious Monk) with the birthstone she shares with the grandmother who inspired her to pursue music, and a song title from Talking Heads.
When they play locally, their home base is The Funhouse on Bethlehem's south side. Check out their website for new singles, music videos and upcoming gigs.