Robyn Cavallaro has always had a love affair with coffee, but it didn't become an obsession until she tried roasting her own. She started off small, initially using a popcorn maker. Then she was lent a small roaster, graduated to a larger one and so on and so forth until Sagra Beans was born in November of 2018. By that time, Cavallaro possessed a 25-pound roaster.
Open seven days a week, Sagra Beans roasts all of its coffee in house, serving up two drip coffees named after Bon Jovi songs. “We're looking to create a culture where people feel they can sit with their friends and have a good cup of coffee in a warm and accepting environment,” says Cavallaro. For coffee fiends, Sagra also does private-label coffee for events, and they offer roasting lessons and parties for anyone looking to join in on the fun. Sagra also sells exclusive snacks and baked goods, including the highly popular vegan treats from No Whey Bakery. Eventually, Sagra hopes to expand its offerings to include juicing and, potentially, a coffee subscription service.
306 S. New St., Bethlehem | 610.849.2039 | sagrabeans.com