February 23–25 & March 1–3: Less a melting pot than a colorful salad, the U.S. continues to be enriched by and agonize over the diversity within it, yielding explorations like Ayad Akhtar's play Disgraced, produced this month at Lafayette College.
Four guests at a dinner in New York City bring various salad ingredients to the table for a discussion that doesn't shy away from topics like religion, immigration, terrorism and national identity. “It is a microcosm of the multicultural world we live in,” says director Suzanne Westfall, “and the constant negotiations we perform to understand and accommodate other religious beliefs, political perspectives, cultural identities, emotional commitments and business relationships.”
While white artist Emily appropriates Islamic style to further her career, her assimilated Muslim husband, Amir, compromises his principles and culture to advance as a lawyer. His black colleague Jory brings her Jewish husband to dinner, stirring up unsettling convictions, secrets and acts. “Jeff Helm, professor of mechanical engineering, has designed us an upscale New York apartment,” Westfall says, “and Erin Hopwood is bringing us a suave, high-fashion look appropriate to successful New York professionals.”
A winner of many awards, including the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for drama, Disgraced reliably provokes conversations on the uncomfortable yet unavoidable race, gender and cultural issues shaping the world around us. The playwright's visit this month is sure to get the cast inspired for a courageous performance.
The production is part of a project called Tapestries: Voices Within Contemporary Muslim Cultures, a celebration by Lafayette of the vibrant variety of Muslim arts and identities at home and worldwide. Welcoming Muslim artists, writers, performers, dancers and musicians throughout the year, the project recognizes the Valley's Muslim community and a commitment to diversity in education.
$10 | 7:30 p.m., Feb. 25: 2 p.m. | Weiss Theater, Buck Hall | 219 N. 3rd St., Easton | 610.330.5009 | theater.lafayette.edu