With the chaos of back to school upon us it's time to get prepared for the busy days ahead. That's why we decided to find a few handy items perfect for organizing the family schedule no matter how hectic it becomes. Here's how!

Stock a Craft Stash
Avoid the dreadful late-night scenario when your child needs to finish a project due by the next morning and you're out of artsy essentials. Prevent panic (and a failing grade) by keeping a stash of markers, glue, construction paper, posterboard, and the like, in a designated craft station.
Martha Stewart Living Craft Space Storage Cabinet, $419 | homedecorators.com

Create a Study-Specific Area
Your son or daughter can't do their best if your TV is blaring in the background when they're trying to do homework. Pick an area of your home that is quiet and has minimal distractions, and label the area as a study and homework-only zone during the school year. Help your child concentrate by keeping the area clutter-free and well-lit.
Desktop Storage Unit Madesmart, $16.99 | Target

Snack Solution
By the time your kids get home from school, dinner is two hours away and lunchtime has long since passed. Hold over their hunger by keeping easy, healthy treats on hand in the fridge. Prepare individual fruit and veggie snacks in portable containers. Kids can munch and refill throughout the week, avoiding the salty and sugary snacks that may lurk in the pantry.
LunchBlox Entrée Kit, $18.99 | Rubbermaid.com

Ditch the Trapper Keeper
Your child's backpack is heavy enough, so switch the bulky trapper keeper for a five-subject notebook and an accordion file folder to store handouts. Keep the folder from getting too full by transferring old assignments and tests every month to a filing system at home.
Staples Expanding Case File, Legal, A-Z Index, Blue, $13.79 | Staples

Keep a Family Bulletin Board
If you haven't done so already, invest in a large bulletin board that is half cork and half whiteboard or chalkboard. Ideal for the hub of any household—the kitchen—a functional board like this can be the place for permission slips, fundraiser flyers, party invitations and sports schedules. Now everyone will know where they're going, what they're doing and who needs to be where. Phew!
Daily System: Magnetic Whiteboard Calendar, Linen Pinboard, Chalkboard, $44 each; Corkboard, $27 | Potterybarn.com