This past April, more than 20,000 votes were cast online by Style readers vying for their favorite pets. Get to know the 10 four-legged companions that received the most love!
#1. Frankie
Frankie (nicknamed Frankie Doodle) is a two-year-old Chinese shar-pei with a sprinkle of pug. Her favorite food is vanilla ice cream, and she enjoys chasing her human Allison Valentine's daughter Mallory around the living room. More than anything, Frankie loves having her wrinkles rubbed. She's an attention seeker, for sure, and will paw at her humans until they start petting her.
#2. Ziggy Smallz
Ziggy Smallz is a five-month-old French bulldog who also goes by the names Zig Zag and Bubbaz. He loves yogurt from The Dining Dog and lying by the fire or in the sunshine. Ziggy Smallz is the best napper and the worst nipper. He came into his human Lindsay Fly's life right before the quarantine, and has become her lovable companion in a new apartment. Ziggy Smallz is a super smart puppy, and has already learned the yoga move downward-facing dog as well as high five. He has an extensive wardrobe and enjoys wearing outfits.
#3. Ping Ping
Ping Ping is a one-and-a-half-year-old French bulldog—friends call her Pingaling. She was born in East Asia, and lived a horribly neglected life as a puppy in the Chinese meat trade until her owners Kim Rohrbach and Steve Longenbach adopted her through Saving Harbin Dogs. Now, Ping Ping loves ice cubes, playing with her favorite toys and snoring. She's the best at giving cuddles and kisses, and always wears her famous Frenchie smile.
#4. Pebbles
Pebbles is a one-year-old pomsky who enjoys having long conversations with everyone around. Her owners Tonya and Kaitlyn Hummers fell in love with her breed and wanted a companion for their senior dog. Pebbles is sassy, friendly, silly and spoiled. She loves fetching anything!
#5. Maxwell
Maxwell—Max for short—is a six-month-old domestic shorthair cat. When their family's cat suddenly passed away from lymphoma, Krista Berardelli and her siblings surprised their mom with Max for her birthday. Maxwell eats anything and everything, and especially enjoys human food. He likes playing with his mice and has been known to climb to the top of the Christmas tree, batting off all of the ornaments on his way down.
#6. Bessie
Bessie is a two-year-old French bulldog who goes by the nickname Funny Bunny. She's fiercely loyal and understands both English and Chinese. Bessie was rescued from the Chinese meat trade through the nonprofit Saving Harbin Dogs. She flew 6,300 miles to start her new life in America with her owner Susan Strisofsky. Now, Bessie helps fundraise at local pet events and educates humans on French bulldog rescue. She even attends monthly gatherings with her Frenchie friends and Lehigh Valley French Bulldog Meetup groups. In her downtime, Bessie enjoys eating Mandarin oranges and attacking the vacuum cleaner.
#7. Cutty
Cutty, also known as Cutty Kospiah or Cutty the Dog, is a seven-year-old Shiba Inu and Australian cattle dog mix. Cutty, nicknamed Mister, enjoys eating whatever his mom Maureen Kospiah is eating, right off a fork. He doesn't understand the whole “dog bowl” thing. Still, he's super cool and laid-back, and has fun greeting customers at Kospia Farms. Sometimes, he buries the treats that customers bring him, but eventually he'll dig them back up to eat. Cutty is a human disguised as a dog, and he mesmerized his mom through a photo online. It was kismet!
#8. Fonzie
Arthur Fonzarelli of course goes by the nicknames Fonzie and The Fonz. He's a four-year-old French bulldog with very large ears. Fonzie loves graham crackers, playing tug of war and watching Eagles games. When his owner Pattie Winn went to see his litter, it was love at first sight! Fonzie enjoys going to the shore and getting belly rubs while basking in the sun.
#9. Tucker
Tucker is a 12-year-old pit bull; friends call him Tuck or TuckTuck. He is the most laid-back, tolerable dog around—his owners Amber and Brandon Martrich say he has always been extremely mellow, even as a puppy. They rescued him from a backyard breeder when they were looking for a companion for their other six-month-old pit bull. Tucker loves sleeping and snuggling, and he enjoys peanut butter and pup cakes from The Dining Dog. He's obsessed with drinking water anywhere he can find it!
#10. Biggie
Biggie is a year-and-a-half-year-old Staffordshire terrier, American bulldog and French bulldog mix. He needed a home, and his owner Devon Peralta gave him one! Biggie has endless amounts of energy. He knows what he wants and will talk until he gets it. He's got a big personality, enjoys playing fetch and loves peanut butter.