It's an exciting time for recent high school grads who will soon be heading off to college, but moving out for the first time and deciding what to pack can be a daunting and stressful task. Whether you're new to the college dorm life or finally moving into an off-campus apartment with a few friends, here are some useful tips to ease your way into your new place. Remember the three P's: Purge, plan and pack.
1. Purge
Before you pack anything, go through everything you own. Yes, EVERYTHING. Decide what is necessary and what's not. Do you need the beaten up sneakers from your high school track days? How about the excess supply of three-ringed binders, or the pile of clothing you never wear? You may be able to pass on some items to a younger sibling, relative or neighbor, but everything that you don't plan on keeping needs to be evicted. Not only will this help you decide what to pack, it will also allow you return to a clean room at the end of the semester.
Take your unwanted items and separate it into four piles: donations, recycle, consign and trash.
Check with Keystone Area Goodwill, Lehigh Valley Salvation Army and independent thrift stores before bringing anything to their locations, but most places accept a wide range of items so long as they are in good condition.
salvationarmy.org | yourgoodwill.org
Hold a yard sale or take some gently used clothes and footwear to a consignment shop. Consignment stores like ClothesMentor and Plato's Closet in Allentown and The Attic in Bethlehem will give you store credit or cash so you can buy something new to you or something brand new altogether.
platoscloset.com | clothesmetor.com | atticclothes.com
This could mean giving an item to someone else or scrapping it all together. But if you have broken or outdated electronics—like computers and computer accessories that you have been hoarding—most can be donated to Goodwill through Dell's Reconnect Program. Your neighborhood Target may also have a bin for recycling small electronics, and your local Best Buy also offer s recycling for a variety of products.
dell.com | target.com | bestbuy.com
You can't save everything, but at least you tried. Somethings just belong in the dumpster. Repurpose as much as you can. Keep in mind that the pages of half-filled notebooks can be convenient scrap paper, and torn clothing and socks might make good cleaning rags.
2. Plan
How many roommates will you have? How big is your dorm or apartment? What will the dorm come equipped with? Can you bring a rice cooker? What about your pet goldfish? These are important questions to ask before the big move.
Take the time to check with your college or university regarding their appliance policy and find out if your dorm or apartment restricts air fresheners or certain appliances (like those with heating elements). See if they will allow you to have a small pet like a fish or a gerbil.
Connect with your roommates through email, social media, text or a traditional phone call so you don't end up with three Keurig's and too many printers or lamps. The last thing you need when you are limited on space is too much stuff. Make a point to meet your roommates in person and get to know them ASAP! Getting to know them early will help you discover if you are compatible and will hopefully curb any potential issues later on. Remember, you may end up having to live with this person for an entire year.
Find out when move in day is and find out the time. Avoiding the rush might be helpful but you will also miss the opportunity to connect with new people. Decide who is coming with you. The more hands you have the better, but too many will leave you feeling claustrophobic. Set aside the time to explore your new town or city. Find local necessities such as a grocery store, drug store, doctor's office or hospital.
3. Pack
As a freshman, you may have the desire to impress everyone with your impeccable style, but by the time you're a junior or senior, that aspiration will be a distant memory. You will resort to leggings and a baseball cap sometime during your four years.
How many pieces of clothing? The answer depends on your climate and your willingness to do laundry. When it comes to clothes, there is no perfect number, but keep in mind that you will have to head to the laundromat quite a lot if you bring too little and there might not be enough storage if you bring too much. It's better to dress for the season than to impress. Keep in mind that your roommates will also have belongings—and maybe they'll share!
So, how many pairs of shoes do you really need? You may have that cute pair of sandals or heels that look great with a certain outfit, but if you will be hiking up hills or walking long distances to class on a daily basis, consider sneakers as your go-to footwear. If you're able to go home over a break or on weekends, don't forget to bring clothes and shoes home and switch it out for the current temperature and season.
Suitcase, Box or Bag?
When taking clothes to your dorm use cardboard boxes. Not only can you fold and flatten boxes to store in a convenient place, but boxes lack the bulk of suitcases and plastic totes while being more durable than a plastic bag. Boxes also have more room than the standard suitcase, which will limit the amount of times you have to go back and forth from the car.
If you need to bring something fragile, skip the newspaper and packing peanuts, and opt to use your clothes instead. This will save up space and reduce the amount of trash you have when you unpack. But remember: Only pack the necessities. Keep antiques and precious items safe by leaving them at home.
Hopefully this helps get you through move in. Good luck on your first semester!