While other parts of the East Coast are still getting their feet under them after Hurricane Sandy, the LVS office is up and running full tilt to get January's issue done. The week of the hurricane I was powerless (electrically speaking) for four days, and instead of coming into the office and pecking away happily at one blurb or another, I spent Thursday and Friday huddled in a fluffy pink bathrobe trying to keep the house warm by figuring out how many piping hot dishes I could make out of a cabbage at least twice the size of my head. My gratitude at having a gas stove is immeasurable. My taste for cabbage has waned.
But it wasn't a total waste. I spent my off days last week toiling over a feature on wedding flowers to make sure we could make the deadline, and what fragrant, delicately-petalled toil it was. Learning about the trends and history of bridal flowers has been really delightful, even when I had to search pages and pages of flower guides to identify the blossoms in the accompanying pictures. I couldn't have told you, before this, what a peony looks like, or that there are names for different shapes of bouquets, or that seashells of all things are showing up in the hands of maritime-minded brides. Now I have a fear that my friends (single though they mostly are) will plan a wedding without consulting my newfound expertise.

And to finish this week on a high note, I started today by visiting Accessories Boutique on Main Street in Bethlehem, a shop that has been both shrouded in mystery and much buzzed about, for a blurb in January's issue. I hadn't even known it was there, but now I wish I'd known earlier. My Christmas shopping is about to become a lot more manageable now that I'm aware of the unique and affordable handmade goodies that have been hiding right under my nose for over two years!
Sandy has failed to throw a lasting wrench in the works here at LVS (knock on desk). Let the productivity continue!