In between jetting across the Lehigh Valley with Lisa to explore our newest magazine ventures and sorting through my immense stacks of fan mail, sometimes my intern duties can seem a bit ordinary. GASP. I know. From my postings about magical smoothies and undercover research, my job seems far from mundane. And believe me, it is! It's just that, in between all the spectacular stuff, I have to make time for the not-so-spectacular stuff. So I thought I'd take you through some of my everyday activities, even if they might not be the most exciting.
Which usually include:
Contrary to this silly post, I spend plenty of time doing fabulous intern duties, as well. I have the privilege of connecting with numerous interesting people every day. But every job requires a dose of not-so-glamourous stuff, too. I accomplish lots of Googling and probably stare at my computer screen for too long. But I'm learning things I could've never grasped in a classroom. Things like email and phone etiquette, making strong career relationships and improving my writing skills every day. Internships are amazing opportunities for freshmen and sophomores despite the typical junior and senior trend. And if you get to blog during your internship, well that's just even better.