This week has mostly been spent tracking down information for the Essential Reception Site Guide in January's Weddings in Style issue. You may flip through a magazine and see a listing of establishments of one sort or the other, along with vital information like pricing and contact person, and likely you just page onward without a second thought, but I'll let you in on something.
For a magazine like LVS, with its unflagging dedication to accuracy in reporting, it's unthinkable to let a bride-to-be launch her wedding planning process with a single defunct phone number or outdated venue capacity. That means I've got to get in contact with all 50+ hotels, country clubs and event centers and give them a chance to update their information.
Some might see this as a parade of tedious phone calls and emails, but on the contrary—do you think James Bond never had to verify the addresses of super villain lairs? That Sherlock Holmes didn't spend considerable time updating his binder of urchin spies? Without a patiently-laid foundation of substance and fact, all the glamour in the world is but a hollow shell.
I'm taking this most vital mission over from the other editorial intern, who has found other work and abandoned our once-shared desk without ever having put up even one picture of her dog. Having met her only once, I think I'll get over the loss quickly, especially with other rad interns such as Colin and Quynh around to offer the occasional welcome distraction. Thanks, guys!