Kelli Hertzog. Marketing Assistant. Am I dreaming? Was it not just yesterday that I was meeting the Style Girls for the first time and nervously waiting to work my first event? It's hard to believe that was nearly a year ago and I am now a graduate of Kutztown University and an official Style Girl!
As soon as Pam (my super stylish boss) and I started talking about our mutual love for Diane Von Furstenberg during my internship last summer, I knew I had found the perfect place for me. There was no doubt in my mind that Lehigh Valley Style had to be my future. The Style Girls immediately felt like family with their warm welcome and helpful assistance whenever I needed It. With my love (borderline obsession) of food, fashion, décor and beauty, Lehigh Valley Style embodied all of my passions into one publication. Lucky enough to have landed the position, here I am today as marketing assistant.
Working at Lehigh Valley Style has given me opportunities that I could never have dreamt of at 22 years old. I've met with business professionals, made numerous connections, attended glamorous events and even worked a few photo shoots. The magazine has given me my dream job right in my own backyard.
Words can't begin to explain my excitement over the past week as I've started my new job. It's been a whirlwind of event planning, organizing, scheduling and a little gossip on our favorite trends of the season. I've even taken a volunteer position on a committee for Allentown's 250th celebration. My desk is lined with sticky notes, steno pads and file folders organizing and categorizing all of the important tasks that are now heading in my direction. It's intimidating but I know I'm ready to handle the responsibility.
As my second week comes to a close, I hurry to make sure photographers are booked, letters are double-checked before being mailed and clients are contacted. The life of a Style Girl is one of constant chaos and deadlines—a life I'm so excited to be a part of! Check back soon!