Hello again! This should be my third blog entry, but it is only my second, thanks to an unexpected bout of sickness last week that put me out of commission for a while. I always knew there was never a “good” time to be sick, but that saying has never rang more true after missing a full week of work here at LVS! Since I got back on my feet and returned to work, I hit the ground running and busied myself with finishing up all my assignments for the August issue. Luckily, this included conducting a few more interviews with local business owners for our Life In The Valley section, which I love doing. Meeting new people and hearing their stories is a major perk of this job.
Another perk was having the opportunity to return items worn in a recent photo shoot back to their respective shops. While trekking around the Valley for the better part of a day may not sound appealing to some people, I enjoyed it because once again I got to meet new friends and visit stores I had never been to. I got to meet LVS fashion stylist Sara Nelson, as well as fashion photographer Lori Smith, and I caught a first glimpse at the images that will appear in the August issue. It was pretty cool.
My next big task is writing an equestrian fashion piece for the August issue, which will be part of a feature story. As I mentioned before, LVS is a perfect fit for me, even more so now because of my background in riding. It would be a little less daunting if it were an article on horse breeds or horse/barn care, but because it will revolve around fashion it might prove to be a little more challenging than I expected. Either way, I have high hopes for a successful outcome and will be looking forward to reader feedback when the issue hits newsstands!