Okay, I'll admit, I'm not always the quickest to use the latest technology. You might even say I'm resistant to it, for the most part. That is until I bought my first house.
It's been 10 days since the big move and by this point I've unpacked and organized everything. You never think you have that much moving from an apartment to a house–until you try to make the move sans U-Haul and end up making a million trips with family members' SUVs and pickup trucks, lugging those unwieldy liquor store boxes I spent the last month collecting.

Since settling in, my boyfriend and I have assessed each room and taken notice to the things that we already have and the things that we will need to buy, most notably a couch (TV just isn't the same without it). This is our chance to define our style and perhaps graduate from the Ikea pieces we (or shall I say he) painstakingly put together to furnish our apartment.
But what is our design style? I would say I love the look of “Mad Men” and mid-century modern could be an inspiration. But I also like décor from decades farther back and admire the grand architecture and furnishings of the stately mansions in New Orleans. This is where Pinterest comes in.

I must give credit to our graphic designer, Emily Graf for telling me about this site (and its benefits). Otherwise, I would have ignored the buzz from others and write it off as something useless to me like Facebook. But the beauty of Pinterest is that I can hunt and gather from all the design and furniture sites I love, collecting inspiration pieces for each room of my home. I've created boards labeled Living Room, Dining Room, Bedroom, Basement (the future man cave) and Stuff I Like. Less than a week into it and I've already pinned a million items and have boards that finally show what I like. Every end table, lamp, knickknack and tchotchke tells the story of what my rooms will one day look like.
Buying and furnishing a house is no easy task and the next year will be a learning experience but one made a bit easier with Pinterest. Are you a member of Pinterest? What do you use it for?