So we headed down to Florida's sunny central Eastern shores earlier in the week with suitcases bursting with spring wardrobe finds and summer swimsuits. Yes, it is time to start thinking spring—and summer!
Our hotel was located in the town of Celebration, Florida which was developed by Walt Disney himself to mimic classic, smalltown U.S.A. The lobby of our hotel at the Bohemian served as a terrific backdrop with its beachy opulence.
Day 1: Our model Katie was photographed lounging in the lobby and poolside in the ensembles we assembled from our regional retailers which included Apotheca and Sophistikate in Bethlehem, and BOUTIQUETOGO in Allentown. The looks range from tailored classics with a twist to casually feminine.
Our photographer for this trip was Emily Bleasdale and our fashion stylist was Pia Panaligan—you might recognize their names from our just-hit-the-mailbox February issue and our Man Up! Style Upgrade feature. We can't wait for you to see the results of this shoot in the pages of our April 2012 issue.
Day 2: Daytona – We took a quick jaunt down to Daytona Beach on Day 2 to do some scouting shots. It was a long day of hair and makeup, working around the wind and sun, and yikes, almost running out of gas! While we did make it to the station in time we were not near the actual gas pump at all, so our photographer's assistant, Cory, had Emily throw it into neutral and pushed our SUV to the pump. (You just never know what will happen on a photo shoot!)
Day 3: The Waldorf Astoria – This hotel is located right within the confines of the Walt Disney World Resorts and is incredibly beautiful. Our gracious contact at the hotel, Catherine, made the “gotta-get-up-at-5 am-day” so much easier to deal with by making sure we had everything we needed, including a poolside cabana. This was our backdrop for shooting swimwear provided to us by MIRACLESUIT, a company with roots in the LV. These suits come in a variety of figure-flattering styles and promise to make you look 10 pounds slimmer instantly. Our model, Josie tried on 6 styles—all of them had an air of Hollywood glamour! Look for this feature in our June 2012 issue.
With the wind howling outside our window at this very moment, spring can't get here soon enough!