Happy fall everyone! Or perhaps since I am working on a magazine timeline right now, I should say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. When I first began interning here at LV Style, I felt completely disoriented with my seasons and holidays considering how far in advanced each issue of the magazine has to be worked on, but thankfully I am finally getting the hang of pretending it is Christmas in October!
Since I've talked to you last I really feel like I have grown as an intern. Hey, don't worry I'm not going to bore you with my research and writing stories. Last week I got to do something completely out of the ordinary, nothing that I ever expected I would get to do as an editorial intern, but I couldn't be more ecstatic about it! I was asked to join the LV Style crew on a photo shoot, which I am not going to lie, was something I was hoping to be a part of at some point throughout my internship. It wasn't just any ordinary photo shoot, either. We were at a reindeer farm, and yes, we worked with real reindeer. I got to see and be a part of all that goes on behind the scenes, away from the office to make this magazine what it is. My main task was to tape and un-tape the bottoms of the models' shoes—but I loved every second of it!
That's about all I can tell you about the shoot for now. You'll have to pick up the December issue to see how everything came out!
For now, it's back to my keyboard and cube. Talk to you soon!