Those of you who are privileged to own an automobile, go outside and thank your car right now. Pat it on the hood, kiss it on the little side mirror. Show it that you care. I say this because my car went on the fritz just in time for my internship this week, reminding me how much I had been taking it for granted. The bus route from my house to the LVS office takes an hour and a half, three times my car-powered commute. While I was ready to shell out $4 for a day pass, the bus decided not to come, stranding me on the street corner in the rain with a bored-looking road crew who pretended not to see me, probably out of pity.
Thankfully Meghan accommodated my catastrophe, forwarding work to my personal email so I could fulfill my obligations from home. I spent the afternoon sipping chai in my kitchen and writing a sensational web story on wallpaper. Few things are closer to my heart than the wide-ranging and extravagant uses of wallpaper for crafts and decorating. New innovations in wallpaper design are exciting all on their own. For example, wrap your eyeballs around this sophisticated, grown-up dinosaur wallpaper for the distinguishing nerd!
No word from the garage yet about my poor old car, so I got a ride to my internship today from my tirelessly generous friend Isara. He is a model friend in many ways, and much esteemed. Today's assignment involved making a lot of phone calls to track down unique and cute items to include in the January 2013 Weddings in Style issue. This is a new experience for someone who has always avoided phone conversations of any kind, but interacting is a rewarding part of the job—I look forward to gaining plenty of practice!
Looking on the bright side, the long bus ride home will give me a chance to make a real dent in this 500-page biography of Carl Sagan I'm working on. It could be worse, but I hope my car gets well soon.