It's hard to believe that today is my last day at Lehigh Valley Style. Through all of the new assignments, research and pressing deadlines, somehow I didn't think this day would come—and even as I write this, in the back of my mind I still feel like I'll be right back here typing away at 9 a.m. on Monday morning. As interns in the past have written, as soon as I start to feel settled here, it's time to move on.
I started here as a journalism newbie, eager to try out the fun, splashy writing I had read in LVS, but with no idea what I was getting myself into. Even with the large amount of writing assignments that I had, I found myself being pushed out of my comfort zone and doing so much more than writing little blurbs—contacting businesses, interviewing volunteers, scouring the Internet for information, procuring photos and so much more. While I'm still a newbie, I can say that I have learned a lot about how to get things done.
I want to say thank you to all of the Lehigh Valley inhabitants that I worked with, whether I spoke to you only once or hounded you with phone calls and emails to get what I needed. I feel that for the first time I truly appreciate the vibrant culture and the character of this region. From hidden culinary gems to ever-changing museums exhibits and musical venues, it's safe to say that I will still be doing my research long after I finish my final Stepping Out calendar. Of course, the biggest thanks goes to the women of LVS, who inspired me through their professionalism, friendship and all-around knowhow. Through pushing me to get it right, Meghan's constructive feedback has made me a better writer.
Although I'm sad to leave, I know that I do so with sharpened skills and an intimate knowledge of how a publication goes from the whiteboard to the coffee table. I will always cherish the issues I've contributed to, both for my portfolio and because, how cool is it to be published in a magazine? As far as what's next for me, it's back to normal college student life as I go on to my senior year. Before that, however, the whole summer lies ahead of me and you'd better believe I'll be writing!