An itchy rash. A follow-up with a specialist. A runny nose. Once upon a time, these symptoms may have sent someone driving to the doctor's office. Now, Lehigh Valley Health Network (LVHN) is giving patients another, more convenient option: virtual care. It's a service that Andrew Hunadi, PA-C, with LVHN emergency medicine, says is more accessible than ever before. “The evolution of smartphones and devices, and apps like MyLVHN, has really helped make virtual care more practical for people,” says Hunadi.
For a rash or other minor illness or injury, choose an LVHN ExpressCARE Video Visit. For non-urgent health concerns, try an E-Visit, which allows someone to send a secure message to their health care provider's team. And for specific concerns, virtual office appointments are available for specialists and primary care providers.
Excellent care and convenience are what patients will find with all LVHN virtual care offerings. Visit online to learn more.
Published as part of Faces of the Valley in the May 2022 edition of Lehigh Valley Style magazine.