Chris Varela is the founder of Varela Financial, a nationwide financial services agency that helps graduate professionals with planning their student loan repayment.
“As the student loan crisis deepens,” Varela says, “it's more important than ever to understand the difference between traditional and nontraditional repayment options.” Most financial advisors focus on the traditional option of refinancing student loan debt into a privately held loan. “But for individuals with six figures in debt, this option could be a mistake that costs tens of thousands of dollars more than it needs to.”
Since its founding in 2020, Varela Financial has analyzed over $26 million of student loan debt and saved clients over $12 million, with an average savings of $83,000 per client, while also planning for the future by getting ahead of wealth accumulation.
“There are millions of attorneys, physical therapists, veterinarians and other graduate professionals drowning in federal student loan debt with little to no understanding of what their repayment options are,” says Varela. “We help alleviate the anxiety surrounding that debt by helping clients understand what solutions are available.”
610.428.8354 | varelafinancial.com
Published as part of Faces of the Valley in the May 2022 edition of Lehigh Valley Style magazine.