Nearly 400 reader entries—and around 7,000 votes—later, the Valley has spoken. These are the top four-legged five. Read on to learn what makes each of them so special!

1st Place: Dre Fly
Owners: Lindsay and Matt Fly of Allentown
Nickname: Boopy
Breed: Boston Terrier
Age: 7 years old
Favorite Food: Cheese, but peanut butter is a close second!
Favorite Activity: Destroying the stuffies from his monthly BarkBox
Best Trait: Snuggles and wigglebutts
Worst Trait: Such a mooch when you are trying to eat!
Dre has a pretty active social (and social media) life for a dog, as well as an extensive wardrobe of hoodies, costumes and bandanas. He is the "ambassadog" for the Boston Terrier Lehigh Valley social club, which raises money for Northeast Boston Terrier Rescue. He attends IronPigs Dog Days and is a longtime member of the Pawparazzi club. Dre enjoys visiting nursing homes and the Meals on Wheels of Lehigh County, where his mom works. He is known on Instagram for both the "25 Dres of Christmas" and the "13 Wicked Ahsome Halloween Costumes.” When he's not frolicking around at Yappy Hours of the Lehigh Valley, he enjoys spending time with his aunties, napping in the sunshine and getting puppaccinos from Starbucks. His life is just "PAWesome" and fun, which is what it's all about! Follow along on Instagram @dre_fly_thebostonterrier.

2nd Place: Daisy
Owner: Sean Millard of Hellertown
Nickname: DaDa
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Age: 2 years old
Favorite Food: Pepperoni pizza & steak
Favorite Activity: Swimming, with some modeling work on the side
Best Trait: She is the life of the party and is always down for some cuddling
Worst Trait: Daisy's drooling is equivalent to Niagara Falls
Daisy always knows when the pizza delivery guy is coming before he even rings the doorbell. (She knows him as “The Marinara Man.”)

3rd Place: Zoe
Owners: Meghan and James Mengel of Bethlehem
Nickname: Nug, Nugget, Nuggy Pup
Breed: Chihuahua Mix
Age: 2 years old
Favorite Food: Carrots
Favorite Activity: Running laps around the coffee table
Best Trait: Always knowing when her humans need a snuggle
Worst Trait: Constantly stealing mom's socks out of the laundry basket
Zoe was adopted at nine weeks old and was just 2.5 lbs! At a gigantic 10 lbs, Zoe is a tiny pupper with a big attitude and tons of personality. Follow her adventures on Instagram @_zoethenugget

4th Place: Estella Lyric
Owner: Kimberly Rohrbach of Northampton
Nickname: Stella
Breed: French Bulldog
Age: 1 ½ years old
Favorite Food: Any kind of dog treats!
Favorite Activity: Snuggling with someone—whether another pet or person
Best Trait: Loves to dress up and look adorable!
Worst Trait: Doesn't like to come when called. She feels her cuteness allows her to do what she wants!
Stella is the clown of the household. She's a typical Frenchie, who loves to make you laugh, have fun and give loving snuggles!

5th Place: Bowie
Owners: George and Sharon Bonser of Wilson
Nickname: Bobo Gigio
Breed: Mixed
Age: 2 years old
Favorite Food: Peanut butter
Favorite Activity: Catching tennis balls
Best Trait: Loves everyone
Worst Trait: Picky eater
Bowie was in foster care in Mississippi when he was rescued and brought to Pennsylvania by Red Rock Rescue, Inc., a non-profit organization located in the Poconos. They help homeless, abused and neglected dogs and find them forever homes. His forever family taught him to ring a bell when he wants a treat.
This content is sponsored by Phillips Pet Supply Outlet.