Crystals have been vital in many of today's technological advances. We see crystal technology used in LCD screens, microprocessors, fiber optics and lasers, just to name a few. While using crystals as an adjunct health aid may be a new idea to some, it's an age-old practice. The exponential increase in technology usage, elevating exposure to disruptive electromagnetic field radiation (EMF), may be part of the increased interest in returning to nature's rhythm by utilizing the natural frequencies found in crystals to help support health.
The use of crystals can be seen in every culture throughout the history of mankind. Ancient Greeks believed hematite crystals made them invincible and would rub the crystals on their bodies before battle. Ancient Roman culture used crystals as talismans and amulets for health. Chinese medicine has used and continues to utilize crystals like selenite in herbal formulations, and Ayurvedic medicine from India incorporates the use of crystals, believing they are important for healing imbalances.
Scientific evidence notes that everything in nature vibrates at certain frequencies. Additionally, those vibrations can influence the vibrational frequencies of other objects or bodies nearby, changing the larger energy field. The influx of Wi-Fi, microwave and cell phone radiation can be viewed as high-frequency assaults on the homeostasis of the body.
The theory behind crystal use is that by placing or having a particular crystal in the home or near the body, the inherent frequency of the crystal can have a harmonizing effect on the body's frequencies, impacting health in a positive way.
In Practice Dr. Susan Mattes Bostian, an integrative holistic health and nutrition specialist and founder of Dr. Susan's pH, has seen positive benefits with her clients. She shares that the structure of crystals is a lattice—perfectly balanced, orderly, like a snowflake—permitting its energy to be consistent and constant, not fluctuating. “If you understand how the human body works, every cell vibrates at a particular frequency,” she says. “Utilizing crystals that can support those frequencies can be beneficial to the whole body.”
She has seen her clients utilize crystals to help with anxiety, address negative energy and help with sleep. Some clients have put crystals under their children's pillows to help calm their energy, while others wear them for physical balance.
Crystals don't necessarily have to be on the body, though. Some use crystals in their home or office, feeling that it helps improve the overall energy of the space. “It is a wonderful addition for those that are receptive to the idea of incorporating other elements to aid in improving one's own health and environment,” says Dr. Mattes Bostian. It is not meant to replace any medical treatment, but rather to support the body's systems.
Placebo Effect
While there is no comprehensive data on the efficacy of crystal use, Dr. Mattes Bostian adds that advances in science are continuing to uncover relationships in the human body that were not previously understood, and she suggests we not dismiss something just because we may not understand it.
One should also not dismiss the placebo effect. This term is often misunderstood as a sham and “all in your head,” but that is not a placebo effect. A placebo effect does not stop at thinking something is of benefit so feeling better is purely psychological. Your brain can generate physiological changes in response to a placebo. Whether it is increasing serotonin, or changing an immune response or reducing pain receptors, a placebo effect can generate physiological effects. A placebo effect does not alter the root cause of an issue but can help modulate symptoms, which for many is a win.
If you are thinking about incorporating crystals into your life, Dr. Mattes Bostian suggests to do your research and look for respected authorities on the subject. She prefers to go with publications as a good rule of thumb for more reliable information, versus the internet. “You can see who has been published with multiple publications and has been working in the field for an extended period of time,” she explains. Judy Hall, author of The Encyclopedia of Crystals, is one of her preferred resources.
Dr. Mattes Bostian also urges those interested in purchasing crystals for their home and personal use to make sure to buy from an authentic, reputable crystal dealer or local business that specializes in holistic healing. “If you are buying on Amazon or eBay, you have no idea what you are actually buying,” she says. “It could easily and most likely be synthetic.” She adds that unless you bring it to a lab, there is no way to know with the naked eye, so go with a trusted source first and foremost.
Crystals have been and will continue to be a part of our everyday life by virtue of technology. The question one may explore is if and how the use of crystals can impact one's own personal health and well-being. Whether a placebo effect or through vibrational resonance, or just because they are beautiful pieces of nature, crystals may be an interesting exploration.
Popular Crystal Variations
- Black tourmaline: Believed to help with reducing anxiousness, creating more balance, protection and cleansing of negative energy.
- Shungite: Another crystal that is often used to shield against electromagnetic radiation from electrical devices. It also has antioxidant properties and has been used in purifying water.
- Amethyst: Believed to help aid in sleep, balance and calm the mind and enhance creativity.
- Himalayan Salt Crystal Lamps: Have made their way into most every retail store and are believed to help remove toxins and allergens in the air.