Eat, drink and be merry may be the mantra, but being in the “holiday spirit” often involves imbibing in more “spirits” than usual. The holiday season feels like a free pass to overindulge in the celebrations, so it's no coincidence that, with libations flowing, our self-discipline goes by the wayside—judgment and moderation taking a back seat. Holiday events and parties don't have to be a ticket for excess and derail all of one's healthy efforts during the year. Taking steps to help minimize the indulgence, and opting in to the growing trend of “Dry January,” can help one stay on track for a healthy year ahead.
Maintain Don't Gain
Registered dietician, nutritionist and owner of Fuel the Mind, Body, Spirit, Laura Scarpino encourages entering into the holidays with realistic goals. “I advocate a maintain-don't-gain mentality,” she says. “If you like to drink, it's not realistic to say you won't, but instead look for ways to make it better.”
In the hierarchy of alcohol, a dry red wine is on top of Scarpino's list. “I like to emphasize choosing drinks that have more healthful benefits. Red wine is not only lower on the caloric scale, but also contains the powerful antioxidant resveratrol,” she says, adding that when choosing wine, one should stick with the drier varieties that contain less sugar and cause less hangover effect.
Mix Mindfully
When mixing drinks, Scarpino notes that the biggest culprits are the mixers themselves. They are often loaded with sugar or sugary syrups, which, gently put, “go straight to the hips and heighten the hangover,” she says. ROOT Crafted Mixers, a local company founded by two health-conscious women entrepreneurs, has creatively and tastefully addressed that issue. Varieties like elderflower, lemongrass, pomegranate and tart cherry, all organically sourced, add a flavor-packed punch with less sugar, as well as healthful anti-oxidants, for a tasty and healthier mixer.
Scarpino also encourages paying attention to how much alcohol is in your drink of choice. It may be just one drink, but if it is something like a martini, it has at least three shots of spirits and 300 calories from the alcohol alone—before any mixers are even added. “Being conscious of how much alcohol volume you are actually consuming in your drink is also important because that is when inhibitions lower, willpower drops and poor choices ensue,” she says.
Go for the Fizz
When drinking for that warm, fuzzy effect, go for fizzy. Carbonation causes one to feel the effects of the spirits more quickly, and, therefore, in a more limited volume. Champagne, a wine spritzer or a spirit with a carbonated mixer all fall into the “fizzy” category.
Fuel Up
One essential rule of thumb that Scarpino shares is to never do anything while hungry. During the holiday season, it is especially critical to have some simple healthful snacks, such as fruit, vegetables and nuts, readily available. “Going into a party or event hungry, you are much more likely to collapse on commitments and willpower,” she says. A small meal or snack with protein before an event helps slow the absorption of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, allowing one to go to the party more balanced and satiated. Drinking water between spirited beverages is another valuable tool to stave off dehydration and curb the volume of beverages as well as food.
Be a Helpful Host
When hosting a party, have plenty of water readily available and make it interesting and fun for a guest to choose an alcohol-free beverage. A mocktail station with different sparkling waters, tonics, sliced fruits, citrus and herbs can provide a great alternative. Offering a mixer like ROOT's provides intriguing, tantalizing, singular beverages to give drinks distinction.
Participate in Dry January
The simple premise of abstaining from alcohol for the entire month, Dry January has been growing in popularity across the country and across the globe. Many view it as a great reset button after an indulgent holiday season.
Scarpino is a strong proponent of Dry January. “I think it is fantastic. People don't realize how much alcohol affects mind, body and spirit. When consuming alcohol, you are physically run down, not functioning optimally physiologically and psychologically,” she says. “Your body is continually detoxifying alcohol residue. Even if only drinking one to two times a week, you will notice the difference.”*
Not only does a Dry January cut out the extra calories of the drinks themselves, but alcohol tends to increase one's appetite and impair judgment. Combining Dry January with healthier eating habits can work in tandem for positive changes. Participants may also notice better sleep, resulting in more energy during the day, as alcohol tends to interrupt normal sleep cycles. Having better sleep and more energy can carry over into helping one stay more motivated with New Year's exercise resolutions. In addition to improved energy, skin can undergo visible improvements, as alcohol dehydrates the body. And in the thick of flu season, taking a break from booze can ensure that alcohol isn't suppressing the immune system.
Keeping the holidays' indulgences in check and staying mindful of ways to avoid overindulgence will make for a much better transition into the new year. On the fence? “Taking the time to commit for a month of no alcohol is a great way to give the body a chance to refresh, feel the differences and get perspective on how the body functions without it,” Scarpino says.
*If you are a heavy drinker, please consult with your physician before attempting Dry January.