Who doesn't want a life more in tune with their needs? Any hands raised?
When we hold onto the past, we guarantee that our future will hold more of the same stuff that we've always had in our lives. That includes all of our stories about what happened to us, who hurt us and also what we have accomplished.
The fact is: all we have is right now, this moment. And in this moment, we have the power to create whatever we want to be present for us in the future.
So how do we do it? How can we let go of the past so that we can create a future more in line with our needs and desires?
The first step is to recognize that we are in fact holding on to something. That lesson, for me, became apparent in a visceral way when I walked El Camino de Santiago two years ago in Spain. I had to carry a backpack containing everything I needed for the journey for more than 400 miles on the pilgrimage trail. Believe me, literally carrying 12 pounds on your back for 15 miles a day teaches you very quickly what you do and do not need. Sentimental value was quickly outweighed by the burden, and all unnecessary items were left by the wayside. It was the same with the baggage I carried in my mind.
Not only does carrying the past weigh us down, it blocks us from creating what we actually want because our energy and effort is diverted away from creation and into maintenance and avoidance.
When we redirect our energy into creation, we can build whatever we want in our lives.
Now the past can be a very comfortable and comforting place, since it is familiar and known. Creating something new entails taking a risk, leaping into the unknown in large ways and small. And, like anything worthwhile, it also requires some planning and effort. And a whole lot of faith.
Our comfort with letting go is impacted by whether we know where we want to go. The step becomes less fearful if we have a destination in mind. Leaping into the great unknown takes great courage, and can be foolish if we haven't done any preparation.
Sometimes our destinations are very clear. They come to us and we intuitively know that they are right, like when you meet that special person or find your home.
A destination can also be a goal. It is a vision we have of where we want our life to take us, what we want our life to look like.
The process of creating that goal does not have to be labor intensive. We have all the answers we need inside of us, but in the course of life we may have forgotten how to access them. We've done so many should-do's that we've lost sight of our want-to's.
Here are five simple steps that you can follow to gain clarity on finding your goal, your next direction. Instead of looking at these steps as a chore, one more thing to put on the already overflowing to-do list, consider how you can incorporate them into your everyday life. It can be as easy as carrying a journal with you to jot items down, a voice recorder to make note as you drive or walk, or setting up a board on Pinterest to capture images and other inspirations when you are online.
Five Steps to More Clarity:
1. Set an intention to gain clarity on your next direction in relationship, home or work, etc. and review each morning and evening.
2. Pay attention to the things that bring you joy, a warmth in your heart, and record as they arise.
3. Compile a list of your joyful things over a predefined period (eg., two weeks/a month).
4. Set a time/date to review your list and identify the patterns/commonalities between them.
5. Investigate opportunities around your top items according to your intention.
Let the steps come naturally, capturing items as they bubble up. At the end of the time period you have allotted, I guarantee you the seeds of a new direction will be in there if you follow the process.
I am also creating my own next direction. Follow me on Pinterest to see my process in motion. I know my journey will take me back to Spain.
In my next post, I'll review a few techniques for quieting the mind through concentration and meditation. These practices will not only lower your stress levels, but also provide enhanced clarity for creating your new directions.