This content was originally published in November 2015 and edited with updated information.
Nothing in the world brings more hope or promise than the grand expectation that comes along with a new year. On January 1 at midnight, no one is thinking about the dark spots of the past, but rather, everyone is focusing on the new light of the future: how we want to change, what we want to do, who we want to be.
By twirling sparklers and toasting champagne, we are celebrating the momentous gift of a fresh start. But in the past, if you are anything like the other 99 percent of the population, your New Year's resolution has probably fallen by wayside before you can even say “February.” And that's OK—the gym's not going anywhere. But there are resolutions worth making and worth keeping as we embark on 2021 after an incredibly difficult year.
10 New Year's Eve Resolutions Worth Making
1. Let go of grudges
The last 365 days have probably built up a couple of these. Maybe a friendship fell apart or a relationship ended. We all get mad, but carrying any of these bad feelings into the New Year will only weigh you down. Forgive those who have disappointed you and make peace with those who are still in your life.
2. Keep a journal
You don't have to write in it every day or even every week, but write down the moments that mean a lot to you. You don't need to shout it from the rooftops or even from your Instagram feed, but taking the time to document what's special will help you remember it when you want to reminisce.
3. Conquer a fear
No matter how small the fear is, conquer it. If driving in the city intimidates you, take a drive to the city. Whatever you're afraid, do it. Learn how with Veronica Moore's tips for facing your F.E.A.R.
4. Put your phone away
This is a big one. When you're with family and friends, try to use your phone less. Social media can wait, and so can whoever's trying to contact you. Be present in the moment.
5. Have some “you” time
Worrying about everyone else can become a full-time job, so be careful not to forget about yourself along the way. Whether it is a bubble bath once a week or just a few minutes of meditation, make sure you factor you into your schedule.
6. Give back
You don't need to become the world's most charitable to give back a little. Make a conscious effort to pay it forward everywhere you go. Maybe it's holding the door for someone or simply saying “thank you.” It's the little things that mean the most.
7. Validate your loved ones
If there's one reality that becomes clearer each and every year, it's that nothing lasts forever and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Remind those who are important to you that you appreciate them, and never take anything for granted.
8. Stop judging
Don't roll your eyes, don't gossip, don't judge. Unless it's affecting you directly, it does not matter what anyone else is doing.
9. Learn something new
It is never ever too late to stop learning! Is there something you've always wanted to try? Maybe it's painting or learning a language. Nothing should stop you from experimenting this year.
10. Live within your means
This doesn't mean save every penny you earn or never splurge, but don't be extravagant for the sake of being extravagant. Decide what you can afford and make an effort to live comfortably without overdoing it. You don't need to accept every invite you get.
Incorporate a few of these attainable resolutions into your New Year, and by the time 2022 rolls around, you'll be happy you did.