It's National S'mores Day! And let's face it, s'mores are like the cherry topping on the list of wonderful things about summer, but that traditional graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallow recipe can get old after a while. Mix up your next campfire by trying one of these sweet or savory s'more variations. Pro tip: Add bacon.

1. Margherita S'mores
Ditch the sweets for a savory s'more you can serve at a party. It's less of s'more and more of a tiny cracker panini that will leave your guests asking for more. Add a bit of olive oil for an even tastier experience.
What You'll Need: Round crackers, mozzarella cheese, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil leaves.
For the full recipe, click here.

2. Roasted Berry S'mores
These berry s'mores are the bee's knees. Don't be afraid to switch out the blueberries and raspberries for your favorite fruit.
What You'll Need: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, sugar, vanilla bean, cardamom, marshmallows, waffle cookies, milk chocolate.
For the full recipe, click here.

3. Apple S'mores
Ditch those graham crackers for a healthier alternative. These apple sliced s'mores are perfect just the way they are, but we suspect that if you used peanut butter instead of or with the recipe, you will be in for entirely new experience.
What You'll Need: Green apples, marshmallows or marshmallow fluff, chocolate.
For the full recipe, click here.

4. Savory S'mores
There are plenty of great recipes on this list, but none of them are better than this recipe for one simple reason: bacon. If you've never cooked bacon over an open fire, now is your chance. It's so simple, you're going to kick yourself for not trying it sooner.
What You'll Need: pretzel chips, milk chocolate, marshmallows, bacon.
For the full recipe, click here.

5. Strawberry Shortcake S'mores
Go big or go home with this strawberry shortcake recipe. This is ideal for someone who doesn't like graham crackers—plus, you can easily nix the chocolate if you would prefer to use caramel instead.
What You'll Need: Shortbread cookies, strawberries, marshmallow, chocolate.
For the full recipe, click here.

6. Peanut Butter S'moreos
It's so easy to make—and agonizing to look at—and probably NSFW.
What You'll Need: Oreo, marshmallows, natural creamy peanut butter.
For the full recipe, click here.

7. Chocolate Chip Cookie S'mores
You're probably thinking, ‘How haven't I thought to do this?' It's okay. Better late than never.
What You'll Need: Cooking oil, bananas, large chocolate chip cookies, graham cracker crumbs (optional), marshmallows, chocolate chips.
For the full recipe, click here.

8. Summer Sausage S'mores
It's like a tiny pizza sandwich. You don't have to cook the sausage over a campfire, but you should.
What You'll Need: Thinly sliced sausage or pepperoni, round crackers, deli style cheddar cheese, ground mustard.
For the full recipe, click here.

9. Grilled Banana S'mores
Here's a concoction that would have made Elvis weak in the knees. If your mouth is watering just thinking about these, you're in good company.
What You'll Need: Ripe bananas, brown sugar, marshmallows, peanut butter or chocolate spread, graham crack squares.
For the full recipe, click here.

10. Cheddar Cheese S'mores
This creation is both sweet and savory, so you will never have to choose between the two ever again.
What You'll Need: Graham crackers, 8 oz. sharp cheddar cheese, 2 chocolate bars.
For the full recipe, click here.

BONUS RECIPE: S'more's Grilled Cheese
If there was anything healthy about grilled cheese, there certainly isn't anymore.
What You'll Need: ½ cup cream cheese, semi-sweet chocolate, white bread, marshmallows, 1 egg, milk, graham crackers, butter,
For the full recipe, click here.