Proprietor Christian Filipos says that Youell's Oyster House in Allentown has been offering oyster shooters for forever upon request—but adding a few variations to their drink menu has really prompted patrons to try them in recent years. “It's a classic item,” says Filipos. “Plus, we're an oyster house and this is an opportunity to introduce people to something they really can't have many opportunities to enjoy.”
Youell's menu lists two different oyster shooters to choose from: the “Classic” and the “Smokey Shooter.” Filipos describes the Classic as clean and crisp with a touch of heat. “Oyster shooters originated on the West Coast during the late 1800s when oysters were at their height of availability and popularity,” he explains. “Think of an oyster, shrimp or clam cocktail: raw shellfish topped with cocktail sauce containing ketchup, horseradish, lemon and Worcestershire. Really, these are the ingredients to a Bloody Mary. Just add your favorite spirit—we like tequila— and an oyster!” Meanwhile, the Smokey Shooter is more robust with smoky notes, lime and salt. But the options don't end there—Filipos says Youell's mixologists are creative and can customize upon demand.
So, what's the right way to enjoy an oyster shooter? Oyster first? Shot first? “We see most folks slurp the oyster and then chase it with the cocktails,” he says. “Personally, I'd drop the oyster and oyster liquor (oyster juice) in the cocktail and consume it that way.”
When it comes to time of year, Filipos says oysters can be enjoyed year-round. “In the old days, prior to rapid transport, they said best oyster months were ones with an ‘r.' That would exclude hot months of May through August,” explains Filipos. “Today we have the luxury of overnight delivery from harvest date, so we have full availability of the best-quality oysters all year long.” Youell's focuses primarily on mid-Atlantic and Canadian Maritime oysters for superior taste and quality. He says West Coast oysters are great, but they have a specific flavor profile and texture that some customers are not used to.
No matter how or when they're consuming them, Filipos confirms their shooters are a popular order amongst Youell's customers. “I have to appreciate and respect the dining public for always wanting to expand their palates, and since we specialize in oysters, we have the ability to offer this unique tasting.”
2249 Walnut St., Allentown | 610.439.1203 | youellsoysterhouse.com
Published as "Drink This" in the November 2023 edition of Lehigh Valley Style magazine.