According to general manager Felix Grzymala, a popular Lehigh Valley Facebook group for foodies inspired what would soon become Rod's Rogi. When he saw a post showcasing a cheeseburger that had pierogi as the bun, he commented the words “challenge accepted” and shared a photo of his own creation. “It blew up from there,” says Grzymala.
The dish is made using Bayou Boys pierogi, which Grzymala calls “the best non-church pierogi that I've ever had.” Rod's Dogs gets its meat ground fresh daily from Saylors & Co, which has a stand right across from them at the Easton Public Market. “Our cheeseburgers are absolutely incredible as they are,” shares Grzymala, “but then when you add the best pierogi with cool sour cream, salty bacon and onions sautéed in bacon fat, it takes it all to another level.”
Unsurprisingly, Rod's Rogi was an instant hit. Though, Grzymala says you won't find it on their regular menu. Consider this a top-secret item for insiders only. “Don't tell anyone,” he jokes.
Enjoy your meal with a Reading Soda Works beverage. Rod's Dogs serves root beer, birch beer, orange cream and strawberry cream in old-school draft form.
325 Northampton St., Easton | 484.548.1646 |
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Published as "Eat This" in the June 2024 edition of Lehigh Valley Style magazine.