Step away from the heart-shaped box of chocolates. Stop agonizing over which sticky, sappy sentiment pre-printed in a Hallmark card will fit your sweetie the best. It's time to break free from the commercialization of our romantic lives and try something new for a change.
Let's start with the obvious question: What if you find yourself single on St. Valentine's?
Instead of a single's awareness night, which smacks of the kind of defensive thinking that comes from wanting something so badly you loudly rail against it, celebrate the love you do have. Get together with girlfriends, because those soul mates are just as important as the romantic kind when it comes to keeping you sane, having your back and propping you up.
Send some love to your mother, because, let's face it; no one loves you like your mother. Before I was old enough to exchange cards with classmates, my mother would sing a special Valentine's Day song and give my sister and me both a little gift to mark the day.
Singletons and married types can both benefit from spending the day volunteering. Goodwill is up late in the year, with the influx of soup kitchen volunteers and free holiday dinners, but it seems to taper by the time the saint stocks his quiver. If you're feeling a little lonely, doing some good will boost your mood and provide some needed comfort to a stranger who knows exactly where you're coming from. Visit an elder care home, stock a food pantry or spend some time at an animal shelter.
Partners who like the idea of a little romance but hate slogging through the sea of couples to get a table, take heed.
Pledge to delay the festivities until you can take a proper romantic vacation. If you're particularly crowd-averse, plan your excursion for the spring, before the influx of summer tourists. Go to a favorite haunt or somewhere new that you both have on your bucket list.

Take on a chore that you know your significant other hates—without asking or complaining—or finish a household project that you've been meaning to get done. (Maybe they should make romantic comedies about cleaning out the garage.)
Feeling a little cash poor but you still want to mark the day? Channel your inner schoolchild and make a card out of construction paper. Bake up a batch of your love's favorite cookies. Resolve to spend the whole day together, just enjoying each other's company. After all, that's what the holiday is really about, isn't it?
Nothing says, “You're my favorite geek!” like sugar cookies shaped like Yoda.