Every year, our April edition celebrates outdoor living, but this year, I think the theme of the issue could better be summed up in just one word: green. As you flip through these pages, you'll see it over and over again. One of this month's features explores plant-based clean eating in the Lehigh Valley and, specifically, the growth of three local options. To learn more about the healing power of food, turn to pg. 64.
Then, on pg. 27, this month's Ask the Expert is basically a how-to on not killing your houseplants. Have I hit a nerve? Here's the good news: expert Dana Carpenter, the founder of Fancy Plants Club, assures us that anyone can successfully raise plants, so not giving up is step one.
We go all-out green on pg. 14, where we share some of the Style squad's favorite green products, both literally and figuratively speaking (margaritas are good for the planet, right?). Ranging from a plant-based makeup sponge to a local book recommendation, we've covered it all!