By: Happy Hour, Gallery, Events, Lehigh Valley Style, feed - style scene, Lehigh Valley Style August 2016, Style Scene
Location: Social Still
: Beth Sweetana and Jennifer Koeppe
: Bonnie Pysher, Elaine Pivinski and Cheryl Paynter
: Christine Montes and Heather Kuntz
: Debbie Walther and Steve Berasley
: Elaine Pivinski, and Adam and Kate Flatt
: Grace Stianche, Isabella Stianche, Brooke Riffert, Andy Susko, Gretchen Susko and David Susko
: Joe Kloss, Paulette White and Michael Pierce
: Melissa and Mike Miller, and Holly Frederick
: Pam Szvetecz, Joe Kloss and Michelle Burder
: Paul Prass, Angela Prass and Lisa Prass
: Wendy Boone and Karen Pietrantonio
: Karen Hickey, Rebecca Bitner and Andrea Blymstein
: Lindsay Stewart, Andrea Blymstein and Kim Heffelfinger
: Michelle and Bill Shafer, Joe Kendy and Dan Mies
: Paul Lichty, Denise Conlin and Lisa Culligan
: Scott and Kellie Bartholomew, and Tyler Bartholomew
: Sheri Bayne and Lori Starnes
: Sherri Pfeiffer and Sharon Drayton
: Adam and Kate Flatt
: Carol Ritter, Earl Bethel and Laurel Mikovits
: Gary Henshaw, Scott Rothenberger, Janet Henshaw and Glenn Neiman
: Jan Oren, Sam Adams, Tom Abell, Christina Sideris and Darell Williams
: Christel Gift and Andrea Skirdlant
: Michelle and Bill Shafer
: Jack Nagle and Mike Osouski
: Janet Fiugalski and Tim Duquette
Photos by Shelbie Pletz