Nancy Werteen and Kim Howie founded The Wisdom Coalition to help women support each other in a quest for joy and fulfillment. Helping you get into the spirit of Thanksgiving, here are six tips to move joy and gratitude to the top of your list and make them the centerpiece of your holiday table.
1. Create a routine
Let go of old habits or even holiday traditions if they don't bring you joy, and develop new ones that will foster a healthier and happier lifestyle. Starting and ending your day with a gratitude ritual (like writing in a journal or giving
thanks), creates a habit like brushing our teeth: we wouldn't feel right without it. Even if it'ssimply the awareness of the stars, the comfort of bed or holiday decorations and greetings, take time to really appreciate things. Many of us put off joy by thinking things like: “I'll be happy when I get a promotion, my soul mate, my dream house, etc.,” but we need to be thankful for where we are on our way to where we want to be.
2. Think like an optimist
Simply changing our thoughts to view things more positively can change how we feel. We can choose to see life as an opportunity for growth and expansion. This may require some practice and awareness of our tendency to see life as difficult and full of struggles. Once we become aware of our negative thoughts, we can work to reframe them into more positive language. Rather than saying: “I have to go to work, do the laundry, buy holiday gifts, etc.,” we can say: “I get to go to work, do the laundry, buy holiday gifts, etc.” This small change in language reframes our thoughts to be grateful for the ability to get to do these things in life.
3. Look for the lesson
Most people are searching for the meaning of life. If it's intended to be fulfilling, we should be open to learning along the way. If we alter our view to recognize that life is happening for us rather than to us, we will see all experiences as an opportunity to learn and grow. During the holiday season, consider the events you will attend in a new light. How can you make a new connection? How can you help someone else celebrate the holiday season? Perhaps you can volunteer or reach out to an elderly neighbor. Seeing how grateful others are for your generosity will make you more grateful for the opportunity to help someone else and bring you more joy as well!
4. Live from the inside out
Oftentimes we allow the outside world to dictate our degree of happiness, looking to others to bring us joy. Instead, we need to fuel our core energy with joy and allow that energy to drive our thoughts, actions and feelings. Certain family members can be difficult, adding stress to the holiday season, but we can choose not to let negative attitudes interfere. We can be present and let go of anger, resentment and hostility, set boundaries and think, “I'm going to let this go.” We can be grateful for the people we love and tell them how thankful we are to have them. We can even be thankful for the difficult people because they remind us of the path we want to stay on.
5. Set your own standards
We need to stop comparing ourselves to others and, instead, set our own personal standards based on our individual strengths. Many of usget holiday letters in the mail and allow ourselves to feel defeated by the accomplishments of others. We talk to ourselves in ways that we would never dream of speaking to someone else, but we must understand that no one is perfect. No holiday celebration or gift is perfect. We need to focus on our experience and how thankful we are for every small detail of it. If we simply stop comparing, get out of our own way and let go of self-limiting beliefs, we can set and reach higher expectation and recognize that we are worthy of living a joy-filled life.
The holiday season is about spending time with those we love, spreading joy and being present!
6. Stay connected to your “why”
It's so important that we remember why we're getting together over the holiday season. It's not about having a perfectly clean and organized house to display to family and friends, nor is it about having the best food to serve or the perfect gifts to give. The holiday season is about spending time with those we love, spreading joy and being present! It's about the simple pleasures and the gifts you can't unwrap—love, joy, kindness and charity. It's about being thankful for every breath, every moment, every touch and really remembering to celebrate those things every day.
Nancy Werteen & Kim Howie
Co-Founders The Wisdom Coalition | thewisdomcoalition.com