If I Could Do Anything…
Maybe nothing's more obvious than the one hobby you're devoted to that you just know would benefit a greater audience. But if you're not sure where to focus, Parlett's method might work for you. When she lost her job earlier this year, she sat down the same day with a blank sheet of paper and asked herself, “If I could do anything, what would I do?”
The wealth of options could be wildly inspiring, or overwhelming, so remember, you aren't bound to buckle down to one thing for the rest of your life. Allow yourself to explore!
“Look for what people come to you for,” Parlett advises. “Healthy recipes? Workouts? Advice about being a mom? How you handle finances? We're often too close to our gifts to recognize what they are.”
If you land on something exciting, great. If it's also a little scary, that may be even better. “Sometimes your greatest gift is wrapped in your greatest insecurity,” Parlett says.
Trying something that means a lot to you can feel high stakes, but the potential rewards ripple outward. Just being seen shining your light emboldens other people to do the same.
Setting the Stage
As you get started, planning is key to continued success—as long as it's not actually unlocking the door to procrastination! “Some of us want the perfect plan in place to avoid every mistake,” Parlett says, “but some mistakes can actually lead you in better directions.” An idea sitting in your head is never going to make you money, so embrace imperfection in your expectations.
Try not to get bogged down comparing yourself or your gift or your start date. Let others be an inspiration. When she was gathering research for her podcast, Parlett reached out to other podcasters. Talking to those who are already doing what you want to do is a great way to boost your confidence and avoid reinventing the wheel.
How do you seamlessly integrate your new passion project into your life? You don't. And that's OK! “If you want perfect balance starting something new, you probably shouldn't start something new,” Parlett says. “Balance is a lie in this life.” She prefers to aim for harmony, taking into account inevitable ebbs and flows. Toward that aim, clear communication with family about what you're taking on is crucial to achieve flexibility and support.

Marketing Yourself
Whatever you're working on, be it refurbished antiques or a self-published novel, technology is a massive asset to get the word out. People spend a huge chunk of their lives on their phones, so meet them where they are.
Social media can be an intimidating sphere, but Parlett says it's not necessarily a numbers game. “People fear not having a big enough audience,” she says, “but a small audience can be a plus.” It typically means more engaged followers.
If you're not sure how to market yourself, take advantage of the powerful world of YouTube tutorials or Google's Digital Garage—there are heaps of free resources at your fingertips.
“Canva is my favorite tool for new entrepreneurs,” Parlett says of this user-friendly graphic-art app. “It's easy to elevate a picture a little bit to help it stand out.”
Without funneling too much of your precious time into it, empower yourself to try things and you'll find what works and what doesn't.
Attitude Determines Altitude
The point of a passion project is to follow your calling, feel fulfilled and potentially profit. What can hold us back is pressure to get it right from the beginning and straight on through. The truth is that the picture-perfect success we might see on someone's highlight reel hides the messy middle that got them there and continues to be part of the daily work of following their dreams.
“When I started the podcast,” Parlett says, “I didn't know how to do editing, how to go from conception to reality. There was a lot I didn't know how to do, but had the thought: Everything is figure-outable.”
Allow yourself to experiment, learn from mistakes, get creative, not know yet, and you'll have better odds of rolling with the hills and valleys that come with any side hustle.