Roey Ebert
Owner, Roey's Paintbox
My mom, Rosemary Ford, taught me to choose friends wisely and be among those who make me a better person. She always continues to be accessible to all 11 of her children, which can't be an easy feat. I try to follow her example of family first. She taught me the value of organization and the trick of getting up before everyone else to have a little time for yourself. And, she gave me an absolute love for pretty dresses—when I'd want to wear jeans growing up she would insist that dresses were a better option. I can thank her for my dress obsession.

Kassie Hilgert
President & CEO, ArtsQuest
From a business perspective, Sally Gammon, former CEO of Good Shepherd, had a major influence on my career as a woman. She was the first woman I knew in a major leadership position and she mentored me about leadership in a very real, no-frills way. She spoke plainly about the demands and sacrifices of her position, the lack of personal time and the challenges of being in a high-visibility position. But she also taught me the rush that comes from being involved with a mission and making people's lives better. She was a consensus builder who didn't shy away from making tough decisions and she always, always kept her sense of humor.

Patricia McGarry
Sr. Vice President, Valley Youth House
To name an inspirational public figure, I would choose Eleanor Roosevelt. She was an advocate for the rights and needs of the poor, of minorities and of the disadvantaged. She maintained a focus on what was right and let that be her guiding compass. When the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) barred Marion Anderson, an African American singer, from performing in their auditorium, Roosevelt resigned her membership in the DAR. She imprinted the role of First Lady with a new brand of political and social influence. She was a woman who lived her values.

Pam Dent
Congressional Spouse
It is not just one woman who has influenced my life's journey but, rather, a few notable women, locally and nationally over the years. Edie Ritter has been my mentor and a positive role model over the years as she is a former congressional spouse of the 15th District, and she continues to reach out to support me and is always ready to listen. Others who inspire me locally include Pat Mullin and El Sugra. They're my local female heroes of courage—Pat Mullin was an original cofounder of Camelot for Children and El Sugra has established the Bill Sugra Memorial fund for the needy and disadvantaged. I am also inspired by Pam Varkony, who just received the Pearl S. Buck International 2017 Woman of Influence Award. Pam, Pat and El all challenge me to work to make a difference in the lives in our Lehigh Valley.
On a national/international level, I admire and respect strong, independent, fair-minded women, such as humanitarian Melinda Gates. My husband and I have worked with the Gates Foundation in Africa and India and have observed firsthand Melinda and Bill Gates' generosity and dedication to making a difference in the lives of women and children in these underdeveloped and overpopulated countries.
Lastly, but most importantly, my mom continues to be my guiding light on a daily basis with her generosity and nurturing values that she continues to share with her family, her friends, her church and her community.

Loren Robinson
Founder & CEO, Millennia Media, LLC
The most inspirational female in my life has been, and continues to be, my mother. My mother, Marjorie Robinson, is my biggest champion and my most honest critic. She has also been my sole parent since my father's untimely death in 1972. Marjorie instilled values, confidence and a sense of self when I was a child and in my teens. One of the most important lessons that my mother taught me was that I was special. However, she made sure that I knew my specialness only applied in our home. To elaborate, she made sure that I knew that when I entered the real world outside, that I was going to be viewed like everyone else, unless or until I proved myself and earned a specialness with others. Because of Marjorie Robinson, I am the woman that I am today.

Michelle Zenie
Executive Director, The Pediatric Cancer Foundation of the Lehigh Valley
When thinking about the many women who have influenced my life in a positive or significant way, I kept coming back to my daughter, Makenna. She is not a “woman” quite yet at 13 years old; however, the woman she is becoming, the strong, confident, brave, sensitive, compassionate and honest woman I hope she becomes, is what guides me in so many decisions for myself. I am who she looks up to, who guides her along her path as a female in this challenging yet beautiful world. And so I strive to be the best me possible—but in the most honest, real, authentic, self-forgiving and self-loving way I can—simply to be the best role model possible for her.

Anna Marie Newton
Independent Marketing Consultant
Laurel Cutler: a visionary, a guru, a friend. We met in 1980. I was at Hoffmann La Roche and she was VP of LKP Ad Agency. Over the years, as a consultant for some of the world's largest companies, she kept her finger on the pulse of pop culture. Her global research predicted consumer and market changes with clairvoyance. She did this incorporating timeless aspects of human nature. Her vision always played a role in any creative strategy I developed. Her work yielded countless insightful global ad campaigns. By the mid-2000s, she was inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame.

Holly Edinger
Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of the Lehigh Valley
Mary Tirrell is the vice president of government and legislative affairs at Lehigh Valley Health Network. She is someone I really admire. As I continue my career, I am always looking for other women to learn from, and ever since meeting Mary, I have looked up to her. Mary is generous with her time and has provided me sound advice about my career over the past ten years. I admire her so much because she is an amazing blend of strength and kindness. She is ambitious without being aggressive. She can be tough when the occasion calls, but is never rude. Mary has taught me so much about being a professional woman in the Lehigh Valley. She is classy, kind and brilliant! I really admire her and value our friendship.
Kathryn Lancioni

Director of Communications and Public Relations, Creditsafe USA
Michelle Obama is inspirational—she did an incredible job in her role as First Lady of the United States for eight years, while raising two daughters at home. In all of her public appearances, she went out of her way to represent the U.S. to the best of her ability—she was gracious, respectful and always had a smile on her face.
At the same time, she was an amazing mom to her two daughters. They were her first priority, even though she was also the FLOTUS. She truly embodies the modern woman—she's intelligent, speaks her mind, and yet has an incredible sense of self and humility. She never let her position go to her head and never lost her ability to laugh. I can't think of a better role model for any of us.

Sharon Fraser
CEO, Eatwell Consulting LLC
Mildread Millicent Fraser—mi madre, 85 years young. Mom always spoke in quotes in her Jamaican accent. Here are three:
- God bless the child who has it own; always have your own money.
- Always, always have a plan. Know your end game. What results do you want?
- Women should always wear pretty underwear; just in case you meet in an accident.