Dates can be the starting point for the kind of love you dream about, or they can give you nightmares that may land you in therapy. While love stories are great, the best and funniest dating stories often come from the questionably crazy or downright jerks you had the misfortune of encountering. After surveying Lehigh Valley singles between the ages of 25 and 39, we were able to compile the top ten worst date stories of the Valley.
1. Wedding Bells
I dated a guy and he ended up marrying my sister.
2. Two Too Many
I was on a date with a girl, and two drinks into the date, she was drunk. She said she was fine, but proceeded to climb over the table to get to me! I ended up having to carry her up the steps to her house after she refused to get out of my car. I agreed to another date after she asked for a second chance, and she got drunk a second freaking time!
3. DJ Charming
It was our first date and we decided to go for a walk in a public park. Surely, he was trying to be charming, but in reality, he was downright annoying. The guy brought a cordless speaker that hung from his belt buckle so we would be able to listen to music on our walk. It was loud and annoying to me and I am sure for other people at the park.
4. Tinder Terrors
I matched with a guy on Tinder who I went to high school. We went to grab drinks at a bar/restaurant he used to work at. He said he was the “mayor” of the bar and it would be wrong for him to ignore people—other than me I guess. To make matters worse, a girl approached me and told me that she had been dating him for the past couple months.
5. Water, anyone?
My date showed up hungover…
6. Oops
I ended up pregnant by my one night stand.
7. Cheater, Cheater
I was on date with a guy when his girlfriend and her parents walked in; he had told me that they had broken up.
8. The Never-Ending Date
I was on a date and I was having a good time when he offered to go to another bar. I suggested he drive since I had already been drinking and didn't feel safe to drive, but I should've just gone home. We ended up at a hole-in-the wall bar half an hour away. He then apparently needed to let his dog out so because he lived close by we went to his house. We were making out, but I was really turned off by him— he was a smoker so he tasted like an ashtray. I asked him to drive me back to my car which was at the first place we went to, and he refused! There was no at the time and no taxis available, ended up having to call 911 and have them direct me to a 24-hour diner where I could get some help. I walked ten blocks in the snow to get to this diner An older gentleman at the diner ended up driving me back to my car, which by now was 40 minutes away, and I didn't get home until 6 o'clock in the morning.
9. Overly Jealous
I said hi to a guy friend I happened to end up bumping into at the restaurant where my date and me went. My date walked out and left me there because he was jealous, also driving away with my jacket.
10. The Not-So-Tough Tough Guy
I called a well-known, tough football player a crybaby and he got so mad he actually almost cried.