When Anita Paukovits was a young college graduate, she did not anticipate that she would eventually be the executive director and president of The Children's Home of Easton. “I took my first ‘real' job post-college to use my social work degree and thought: Why not? Let's try this!” Paukovits says. Now, 39 years later, Paukovits is the first female to hold the role, which is one she accepted in 2015.
The Children's Home of Easton is a nonprofit organization that serves dependent, neglected and traumatized children who can no longer remain in their home or with family. These children are cared for and taught to cope effectively with situations in order to become productive members of society. Having the utmost desire to help others, Paukovits' role in The Children's Home allows her to do just that. Not to mention she herself is from the Lehigh Valley, so she is able to help people in her own backyard.
“The changes that have been happening in our Valley have been amazing in that, yes, we preserve and respect the past, but we are also leaders in adapting to the necessary changes we are all experiencing in our world, and making the Lehigh Valley a better place,” says Paukovits. “The Lehigh Valley is an incredible area in that it is diverse in every aspect of the word!” She's proud of what she has been able to do for the area through her work, but Paukovits does not stop there.
She is heavily involved in the community, serving as pastoral council chair at Holy Family Church and as a board member at Kolbe Academy while also supporting local restaurants, festivals, trails and nonprofit events.
The passion to help others drove Paukovits both professionally and personally, and her drive has not yet dwindled. When asked to give advice for someone wanting to make a difference in the Lehigh Valley, she says: “Do it! Life is short, times are different. Share the gifts, talents and skillsets you have to make the Lehigh Valley a better place.”
Published as "Voices of the Valley" in the June 2022 edition of Lehigh Valley Style magazine.