Not long after Tracey Mathews debuted her Trixie's Treats food truck in 2013, she co-founded the Greater Lehigh Valley Mobile Food Alliance. “Realizing the challenges the food truck owners face, I knew we needed an organization to support the growth of the mobile food industry in order for small businesses like mine to thrive and grow,” she says. “Our mobile vendors are hard-working business owners; they work well together, and many of them even work other jobs.” Sue Robson, GLVMFA secretary, works full time as an RN at Easton Hospital and also owns Splash of Flavor. Diane Johnson, co-owner of Licensed 2 Grill, is responsible for marketing and PR and also works full time at Valley Youth House. Peculiar Culinary Company's co-owner and GM, Miranda Philbin, manages all business operations and always supports local businesses, art, music and farms. For Maria King, food trucking is her full-time job, as she is not only the face of OMG Smoothies, but she does everything from administrative duties to maintaining the truck. “There are no limits to their roles,” says Mathews.

“They are simply amazing.” Sue Robson says that Mathews unknowingly inspires others through her work: “Tracey is the backbone to the GLVMFA and has made this organization what it is today. She works very hard; she genuinely cares about this group and its members and is truly an inspiration.”